Fly & Buy

Fly & Buy Program
Schedule an Appointment Today!

Are You Ready to Make Your Dream Home a Reality?! Take advantage of our Fly & Buy Program* by scheduling an appointment with one of our representatives today! Receive up to $2,000 USD in settlement credits for purchasing a home with Premier Living within 60 days of your visit.

To be eligible for our Fly & Buy program please request an appointment with one of our representatives by emailing us at [email protected] or scheduling an appointment here.

* Disclaimer: Reimbursable travel expenses, including round-trip air travel, car rental & lodging (all documented with receipts) for Buyer(s), to be credited at settlement: up to $2,000.00 USD for U.S. travel & international travel if an agreement of sale is executed (Premier Living as Buyer Agent Representation) within 60 days of Fly and Buy appointment. Airline tickets and accommodations will only be reimbursed to a maximum of $2,000 USD. Additional costs will be the responsibility of the buyer. Reimbursement is limited to travel expenses specifically related to the Fly and Buy appointment and cannot be used for reimbursement of other (prior or subsequent) visits. Offer is for a limited time only and is subject to change at any time without notice. Premier Living reserves the right to modify, revise, or withdraw any terms and conditions or promotional material without notice. Certain restrictions apply. Pre-registration is required to qualify by emailing [email protected] or requesting an appointment here.

Fly & Buy Registration

Complete this form to register for our Fly & Buy Program

Community of Interest

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You are submitting this form to register to our Fly & Buy Program. Rules apply.
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